Dolphin Horizon Games, Inc. is a gaming studio based out of Rochester, N.Y. founded in 2023. We are a team of 4 highly-motivated and spirited individuals who are ready to make our name in the gaming development industry. Our mission is to focus on uniqueness to create new ways to tell a story through the art of game making.

The team is looking forward to releasing our first game titled “Monstronomy” by Q1 2024 and are super excited to share our passion project with the gaming community. Although on the surface it may look like a simple RPG/ fakemon game, we add our own twists and deeper story to ensure a new and unique gaming experience. We hope you are as excited as we are to explore the mystery within the game.

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Ethan is a Co-Founder tasked with managing the business and operations of Dolphin Horizon Games. After graduating from Cornell University, Ethan brought together his closest friends to start their own independent game development studio with multi-media aspects.

Favorite Movie Series: Star Wars
Favorite Show Series: The Walking Dead
Favorite Video Games: Pokémon, Civilization VI, Original Star Wars Battlefront II

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Ettran is Co-Founder that works on map building, Quality Assurance, and is Chief of Product of Dolphin Horizon Games. He joined the project in hopes of creating cool project with his friends, that will be enjoyed by strangers.

In his free time, Ettran enjoys reading manga, watching TV shows (anime included), playing video games (Shooters, RPGs, MMOs, Fighting Games), basketball, and lifting. His hopes for this project is that players will enjoy playing the game and getting immersed in the stories within.

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Peyton is a beginner computer science major at St John Fisher University, pixel artist, unity developer, and saving the best for last, Co-Founder for Dolphin Horizon Games. This project has allowed him to explore new topics and learn many new things.

His favorite thing to do is to hang out with his friends. Some things he likes to do with friends is playing video games, swimming, and when it’s winter (his favorite season), skiing. He is very passionate and can't wait to share his creativity through the art of game development.

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Hunter is a Co-Founder with the title Chief Growth Officer. Hunter joined the project with his friends in order to create something that can be appreciated by many on a public platform.

In his free time, Hunter enjoys watching the Pittsburgh Steelers, playing golf and having a drink with his friends.

Favorite Movie: Goodfellas
Favorite Show: The Sopranos
Favorite Video Game Series: Metal Gear Solid